It all starts here...

In a world that continuously evolves, Self-made Softlife™ women stand as radiant beacons of grace, resilience, and empowerment. Their journey is a testament to the unyielding spirit that intertwines ambition with poise, ambition with grace, and ambition with dignity. As we delve into the world of these remarkable individuals, we unravel the ethos that underpins their unique allure and magnetic charisma. These self-made women epitomize a blend of characteristics that captivate and inspire, shaping a narrative that transcends societal norms and expectations.

In this section, we invite you to explore the defining attributes of a Self-made Softlife™ woman, understanding the principles and values that set her apart.

  • Protects Her Energy

    She has mastered the art of "soothing her soul". This is THE priority. She cannot enjoy the fruits of her labour in any way, shape or form if her good energy flow is being drained or depleted from external sources.

    Rule #1 Say NO

    Rule #2 Exclude Toxic Relationships

    Rule #3 Practice Boundaries

    No stone is left unturned with regard to protecting her Queen Space.

  • Personal Achievement

    She has reached a prominent position by her own definition, in her own world due to her individual accomplishments. She has worked hard to attain a high standard of living and success, irrespective of her background or initial resources.

  • Entrepeneurship

    She has refined and settled into a career space of which is personally passionate, rewarding and fulfilling. With this, she holds unmatched characteristics in risk-taking, determination, emotional-stability, courage, wisdom and ambition. However, she has learned to balance these alpha traits with minding her own health.

  • Embodiment

    The Selfmade Softlife™ Woman is a hybrid between two arguably opposing approaches to life. She is an amalgamation of both rigid and soft, alpha and devine. She is kindness, elegance, non-judgemental, approachable yet resourceful, extremely focused, go-getting and headstrong. She is constantly introspective and refining her consciousness of self sabotaging.

  • Financial independence

    She is financially independent, allowing her to enjoy a life encompassing her own definition of luxury - on her own terms. This does not mean she has no interest in a Spouse or life partner - she simply trives on having her own, respectively.

  • Empowerment & Equality

    Celebrating the SMSL™ woman aligns with the broader goals of empowering women and promoting gender equality. It emphasis that women can thrive and excel in traditionally male-dominated industries or lifestyles, achieving financial success, personal fulfilment whilst maintaining femininity.

  • Inspirational Role-Model

    She is often viewed as an impactful inspiration to others, particularly women of all ages who are aspiring entrepreneurs or general successors. Her success story AND persona demonstrates the truth in dedication, passion and meritocracy. Whilst debunking the societal driven notion that women - particularly wives and mothers, are to disproportionately devote their lifespans towards maintaining the home and family, without assistance and also forfeiting her true potential.

  • Wellbeing & Comfort

    The embodiment of soft life living. She cultivates constant habits in looking after her physical, emotional and mental health - why? Because she deserves it.

    She values comfort and convenience, ensuring that every aspect of her life is designed to make her feel well taken care of. This may involve onboarding a personal trainer / fitness routine, cleaner, therapist, attending meditation ceremonies, etc.

    Rule #1 ME FIRST

  • Refined Taste

    Over time, her interests in a wider breadth of cuisine quality and diversity continue to grow. Appreciating fine craftsmanship, dining, art, culture, varied experiences and travel opportunities. She may not necessarily bathe in "designer everything" - by choice and groundedness, however, strives to always have the option to. She exemplifies the epitome of luxury living - if she so chooses. It is important to note that, not all SMSL™ women are at all boastful, in fact this can be viewed as distasteful in nature.

  • Exclusive Social Circles

    Her social circles are extremely particular, purposeful and refined. They may not all do well in a room together, however, they each shape the multifaceted individual she is at present and/or contribute to where she is headed.

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